Tuesday, September 11, 2012

sept 4th episode is now up. also new I Was Young In the 90s

download the best show ever at these places:

and the selist
terrible feelings- blank heads
jr juggernaut- sleepling softly
something fierce- warlords of information
handguns -early retirement
handguns -fade away
stay home -twisted sister kisser
stay home- october nights
boardroom heroes -elephant
boardroom heroes- acceptance
total chaos- do the tony
propagandhi- rattan cane
propagandhi- lotus gait
propagandhi- cognitive suicide
polaroids- omelette du fromage
cinnamon- veronica
wet nurse- daily whatever
duck little brother- duck phillip seymour hoffman
foreign tongues -envy
born wrong -torch the place
born wrong- no etiquette
titans eve- destined to die
every time I die- punch drunk punk rock romance
ergon carousel- dead banks
the dicks- the police force
nudozurdo- campamento
for sept 5th's I Was Young In the 90s try these
http://cjamlog3.cjam.ca/test-program-guid/   and look under wednesday

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